In this article:
- Create Folder Templates
Create a Folder Template
By creating a folder template, you can organize files and forms to send to many clients.
To create a folder template:
- Go to Templates in the primary navigation bar.
- In the secondary menu, click Folder.
- In the Folder Templates page, select Create New.
- Let’s name the template (i.e. New Client Folders).
- Enter an optional description.
Now, we can begin adding our folder structure:
- Select Create New Folder.
- Name it (such as Engagement Letter).
- Now, repeat that process for additional folders.
Simply click the folder icon at the top to add another folder (such as Tax Forms)
The folder icon on the other side of the folder name creates a sub-folder. So for my “Tax Forms” folder, you may want to add folders for tax years.
It’s getting better! For those sub-folders here, you can also create a deeper folder structure.
In this instance, it may make sense to add a place for tax forms here. You can build out a structure of up to 10 sub-folders (you never know!)
Assign Folder Access
Once you have your folder structure in place, you should decide who has access to them. By default, all of your team members have access.
Canopy Tip! One powerful way to utilize teams is to set folder permissions for different teams. When you onboard new team members, you can add them to a specific team and have all of the team's permissions immediately apply to the new team member.
Then you wouldn’t have to share each file and folder with new team members one file at a time!
Apply Folder Templates
Bulk Action Folder Templates
You can apply Folder templates in several ways. Let’s first explore how to apply templates to numerous contacts all at once:
- Navigate to the Clients tab.
- Click Client List.
- Select the checkbox next to a couple of contacts you want to apply.
- The Bulk Actions Menu appears on the top right.
- Select Folder Templates (the first option).
- Click to apply a template.
Heads-up! You can apply more than one template to a contact. This might be useful if you have folder structures for varying services like bookkeeping or taxes.
Now, let’s access a contact by selecting their name. Under the Files tab, you can now see all the folders ready for action!
Add Folder Templates for a Single Contact
While we are here, you can also add a folder template to the client record page.
Simply select Add Folder Templates in the pane here (with double folders). It’s the same workflow, except it will be just for this client.
Add Folder Templates in Files
Lastly, you can apply folder templates in Files:
- Go to Files.
- Select Contact Files.
- Double-click on a contact.
At the very top of the page, you’ll find that same folder template icon, and add the template structure here as well.