In this article:
- Create Bulk Tasks
Create Bulk Tasks
To get started with a bulk Task:
- Click Clients.
- Select Client List.
- In your client list, click the checkboxes for each contact to include in the bulk task action.
- At the top-right, click the Bulk Task icon.
The Create Bulk Task window pops up.
Now, you can choose to create a task from scratch or click Template to apply a Task Template.
Otherwise, you’ll create the Task just as you would a regular Task. You’ll fill out a name, and assign team members, and a priority - you’re likely a pro, but if you need a refresher on Tasks, click here.
You can also add a client request to tasks sent in bulk. This would be especially useful if you need the same type of forms that would help you complete a task from each of your clients. So you can add those by selecting Add a Client Request.
You can add a subtask or several subtasks from here as well if there are steps or stages you want to follow in this task.
Once you have your setup finished, you can click Create Bulk Task.
Creating a Bulk Task from Task Template
Now, let’s explore if you use a template.
So let’s go back up and select Template.
Once you do, you can select a Template from your library. Then click Apply.
Your Task Name and any subtasks and client requests will populate in the window. As you scroll, you’ll see all the subtasks and client requests that come with the template.
Sending Client Requests
Something to keep in mind with client requests. Clients who do not have access to the client portal will have Client Requests created as drafts. They cannot be sent to the client until they have been invited to the client portal.
You’ll see that message here and it lists the contacts whose client requests will be created as drafts. In this example, 4 of the 5 clients I’ve selected have not been invited. So the task will be created, but the client request won’t be sent to them until they’ve been invited to the client portal.
Finally, here we are, let’s go ahead and create the tasks.
Viewing Drafts in the Task List
To view these, you can go into the Task List:
- Go to Tasks.
- Then to Task List.
You can see what we just created. So those client requests are now saved as drafts. To easily see that, you can create a filter based on Status and choose Draft.
Now, let’s say you’ve invited all those contacts to the client portal and you are ready to send them the client requests. While holding shift on your keyboard, you can select a range of contacts to send to. Then you can right-click on your mouse, and in this menu, select send client requests. Very nifty! Now, those contacts will receive the client requests as part of the task you created earlier.