The following release notes are up to date as of March 1st, 2024.
Time & Billing
Expense Management V1
- Manually track expenses that you take on for your clients. These expenses show up in the WIP report and can be added as visible line items on invoices (passing on the costs to clients) or linked to invoices for reporting purposes. You can also use the new 'Expenses' table to manage these expenses. On an invoice, expenses show up with the default service item of "Expense".
Document Management
Canopy Desktop Assistant Update
- We have just released a new and improved version of the Windows Canopy Desktop Assistant (CDA) with all of the same functionality and more! There is an update in the current CDA with the new download link. You can finish up work before downloading the new version. You will need to uninstall the old version after downloading. Please note that this is only an update to Windows CDA (not Mac)!
Enhancements Include:
- The new version has an updated icon that matches the Virtual Drive and differentiates from the current CDA icon.
- The app will work in Rightworks environments.
- Searching for a client after uploading docs is more similar to searching in the Canopy app and is less restrictive.
Enhancements Include:
Default Zoom Size for File Previewer
- The default zoom size when CPAs preview a PDF in Canopy switched from "Fit to Width" to "Fit to Page". Changes to these settings apply throughout the remainder of the logged-in session when viewing files.
Mobile Client Portal 1.19.0 (Payments Flow Update)
- While building out Engagements, we changed the flow for adding payment methods during checkout. To ensure a consistent payment flow in the app and not have to maintain multiple experiences, we changed the regular checkout flow to match.
Updates include:
- Updated drop-in payment forms.
- Payment methods are added as their own step instead of a single-step add/pay.
- Payment summary layouts sync across engagements and client payments.
Updates include:
Engagement Tasks
- Fully connect your engagement process with tasks and the work being done. Connect task templates to engagement items and those templates automatically create tasks when engagements are accepted.