Time for an engagement!
Now that you have all your client data in Canopy, it is time to dive into proposals and engagements! We want to make sure your relationship with client’s in Canopy is easy at every step and creating and sending engagement letters is a great way to start. Try it out yourself.
Create an Engagement
Creating engagement letters in Canopy has never been easier. With our engagement builder you can easily create and send a detailed letter to your clients via email or their client portal.
Create an engagement item template
Take your game to the next level by creating engagement item templates. These templates will save you so much time you will be looking for a new hobby!
Don’t forget to:
Understand the client acceptance experience
View all your engagements in the engagement list
Watch out for the next email all about how to continue learning how to use Canopy like a pro. Or you can click here to start now!