What's in this Article
Edit an Expense
1. Click a hyperlinked Expense #.
An edit window populates where you can make changes as needed. Make sure to press Update when you're finished!
Archive an Expense
1. Mark the checkbox for an Expense you want to Archive.
2. Click the Archive icon.
3. Review the pop-up message before pressing Continue.
Unarchive an Expense
1. Select the three stacked dots on the top-right of the Expense table.
2. Select Archived expenses.
3. Select the box in line with the archived expense.
4. Choose Unarchive x expense(s).
Delete an Expense
1. Select the three stacked dots on the top-right of the Expense table.
2. Select Archived expenses.
3. Select the box in line with the archived expense.
4. Choose the Trash icon to delete the expense.
A confirmation message pops up at the bottom of the screen.
View Billed Expenses
1. Select the three stacked dots on the top-right of the Expense table.
2. Select Billed expenses.
A table populates showing more details on previously billed expense entries.
Export Expense Lists
Whether you're in the Archived, Billed, or Active expenses lists, you can simply select the export icon on the top left of the page.
If you don't want to export an entire list, feel free to check a few in-line boxes and then select the export icon.
Once you click the export option, a window will populate asking if you'd like to export the current list or (if applicable) the selected expenses.
The system lets you know once the list is exported in your browser.