What's in this Article
Only Admins are able to assign a team member to multiple clients.
If you are not an admin user in Canopy, your account settings will not show any Team Member options.
For information on how to assign a team member to an individual client, go to the Assign Team Members and Teams to a Client article.
Assign Team Members to Multiple Clients
1. Click on your profile on the global navigation bar.
2. Choose Settings on the pop-out menu.
3. Click Team Organization in the left-side column.
4. Select the team member to assign to multiple clients by clicking the blue link in the Clients Assigned column.
5. On the Assign User to Clients screen, click Assign to Clients and check each client you want.
- To assign all of the contacts in Canopy to this team member, click the three stacked dots to the right of the Assign to clients field.
- Click Assign all clients.
- Click Save.
6. In the pop-up search window, input a name for a specific client.
7. Select all the client(s) you want to assign to your team member.
- Each name you click will appear in the Edit Team Member Access window.
- Click Done to close the search window.
8. Click Save.
Copy Clients to a Team Member
1. Click on your Profile and choose Settings on the pop-out menu.
2. In the left column, click Team Organization.
3. Select the team member you want to assign to multiple clients by clicking the blue link in the Clients Assigned column.
4. On the Assign User To Clients screen, click the three stacked dots to the right.
5. Click Copy clients from.
6. Select the team member you want to copy clients from in the pop-up window.
- You can select more than one team member.
- Click Done.
- Clients copied will show on the Assign User To Clients screen, as pictured below.
7. Click Save.
Reassign Clients
1. Click on your profile and choose Settings on the pop-out menu.
2. In the left column, click Team Organization.
3. Select the team member you want to reassign to multiple clients by clicking the blue link in the Clients Assigned column.
4. On the Assign User To Clients screen, click the three stacked dots to the right.
5. Click Reassign clients from.
6. Select the team member who will have clients reassigned from the pop-up window.
You can select more than one team member.
7. Click Done.
8. Click Save.
Assign Teams to Multiple Clients
1. Click on your profile on the global navigation bar.
2. Choose Settings on the pop-out menu.
3. Click Team Organization in the left-side column.
4. Click the Teams tab and click the three stacked dots for the team you want to assign or unassign clients.
5. Click Assign to client.
6. Select the Assign to clients search box.
- Click on each client you want to assign.
- Input a search for a specific contact, as needed.
- Click Done when finished.
7. Alternatively, select a quick assign option from the Options menu.
- Copy clients from: This option copies clients from a selected team member and shares access with the current team member.
- Reassign clients from: This option reassigns clients from a selected team member and transfers access to the current team member.
- Assign all clients: This option gives the current team member access to all clients.
- Remove all clients: This option removes the current team member's access to all clients.